April 8-10, 2016
We will be competing in compass and GPS navigation, and plant and animal identification. Regardless of your level of ability, we will have fun, exciting challenges for you! For younger scouts, there will be the chance not only to compete for the honor of their unit, but also to fulfill rank requirements in all these areas! More experienced scouts will have the opportunity to operate independently to compete and earn honor for their units, and also earn requirements for their Geocaching and Orienteering Merit Badges!
$15/person ($5 discount for units early registration by March 4)
New! DAW T-Shirts may be purchased with early registration for $12 ($2 extra for 2XL and 3XL)
Wessendorf Ranch on the Devil’s Backbone
Go W. on 290 West toward Johnson City
Where 290 intersects with highway 281, go left (south), continue past Blanco
Take a left on RR 32, just south of Blanco and go approx 6 miles
Take a left on County Road 473/403 “Narrows Rd.” about 3.5 miles
Ranch Gate will be on left
Boy Scouts, Teams, Posts, Crews, and Ships are all welcome to participate!
How to Register:
Registration is now open on DoubleKnot: http://bsacac.doubleknot.com/event/1871395
We’re making it easier to register by only asking for your count of youth and adults registering rather than names.
New! For the first time, units registering by March 4 can order DAW T-shirts!
At check-in, each unit will need to turn in a complete list of all attendees, a BSA Annual Health and Medical record for all attendees, proof of YPT for each adult, and show proof of your tour permit.
The list of attendees should include, at a minimum, their first & last name and, if a youth, their rank. A printout from your unit’s registration system is acceptable. Be patient at check-in since this is the first time we will be receiving this information.
What to Bring:
Scouts should expect to spend most of their day exploring the back country of the beautiful Wessendorf Ranch, so make sure to have compass, gps, hat, good hiking boots, socks, and trail snacks, but most importantly, a full water bottle!
Units should bring plenty of water, as there will not be potable water available on-site.
call: Ian Haggard, cell 512 dash 745 dash 2580
email: Thunderbird.District.Events@gmail.com
Help Needed!
We need Troops to volunteer to lead various activities, including:
- Basic Map and Compass Instruction: _____________________________________
- Morning Intermediate Orienteering Course: ______________Troop 61_____
- Morning Advanced Orienteering Course: _________________Troop 61______
- Afternoon Intermediate GPS Navigation Course: _________Crew 20______
- Afternoon Advanced GPS Navigation Course: ____________Troop 256____
- Morning Learning Stations:
- Plant and Animal ID: ________________________________Troop 403____
- Sea Navigation: _____________________________________?Ship 1492?____
- Morning Intermediate Competition Stations:
- Measuring Height/Width: ___________________________________________
- Pick One:
Map Orientation
or Finding Directions Without a Compass
or Orienteering First Aid |
________________________ |
- Morning Intermediate Fun Stations:
- tomahawk: ____________________________________________Troop 93_____
- fun with robots: ______________________________________?Crew 82? ____
- slingshot or food relay or ?your idea?: ______________________________
- make Turks Head neckerchief or Monkey Fist: ____________________
- Nighttime Navigation Tutorial (after campfire): _________________________
6-9pm – Check In
9:30pm – Scoutmaster/SPL/Unit Leader Meeting
10pm – Scoutmaster Cracker Barrel
11pm Lights Out!
8am – Flag Ceremony
8:30am – Basic Map & Compass Instruction
8:30am – Advanced groups get Orienteering Course Map, time to plan
9am-noon – Start Intermediate and Advanced Orienteering Courses
noon – Lunch
1:30pm-1:45pm Assemble for GPS Navigation Course Instructions
1:45pm-3:45pm – GPS Navigation course
3:45pm – Afternoon free-time and Dinner
5pm-5:30pm OA Chapter Meeting
5:30pm Flag Ceremony
6pm – Dutch Oven competition submissions
7pm-8pm Song/Skit Submission and Review
8pm – Campfire & OA tap-out
9:30pm – Nighttime Navigation Instruction
9:30pm-10pm OA Ice Cream Social
9pm – good night!
8:15am – Flags
8:30am – Scout Service
9am – Awards
10am – Troops pack up, campsite inspections by staff
Competition Team Sizes:
Given the nature of orienteering competitions, Scouts will need to divide themselves into teams of 4-6 youth, although 2 or more youth may form a team if accompanied by enough adults to make a 4 person team. Scouts First Class and below must be accompanied by at least one adult during the competition. The adult(s) may not help the scouts with navigation, unless it becomes a safety issue, and if they do help, must note the help rendered on the boys’ score sheet.
Competition Brackets:
There will be 3 competition brackets, each with their own 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards, determined by rank:
- Lower Bracket: 2nd Class and below
- Middle Bracket: First Class and Star
- Upper Bracket: Life, Eagle, Posts, Teams, Crews, and Ships
Intermediate Versus Advanced Courses:
Beginning scouts will receive navigation instruction first thing in the morning, and will then be prepared to compete in the Intermediate Orienteering Course. All Scouts below First Class must compete in the Intermediate Orienteering Course. First Class and Star Scouts may choose to compete in either the Intermediate or Advanced Courses in the morning. Life Scout and Eagle Scouts must compete in the Advanced course. Venturers, Explorers, and Sea Scouts may choose to compete in either course, but will only be able to earn prizes if they compete in the Advanced Course. The same applies for the afternoon GPS Navigation courses.
God bless you all, and may the maps be ever in your favor!