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ZAW 2015

ZAW 2015


From the CDC (Center for Disease Control):: April 10-12, 2015, A zombie outbreak is rumored to have occurred somewhere along the Devil’s Backbone and is invading the surrounding Texas Hill Country. This particular strain is believed to have spread through the local Chupacabra population. Boy Scouts, Venturers and Webelos are advised to seek shelter at the Safe Zone in El Rancho Cima. Remember that your best chance of survival is to “Be Prepared”. Stay tuned to the Emergency Broadcast System for further updates…

Thunderbird ZAW 2015

“I came. I ZAW. I conquered.”

$15 per person (register by March 27, 2015; $20 after) 
(keep checking link below… more details will emerge as they become reanimated…)

ZAW 2015 Registration (“It’s alive!”)


Possible Activities

  • Emergency Preparedness for the Zombie Apocalypse
  • Zombie Wilderness Survival
  • Treating Zombie Attack Victims (first aid skills)
  • Escape the Zombie Hoard (obstacle course)
  • Zombie Traps and Fortification (pioneering)
  • Tie Me Zombie Down, Sport (knots)
  • Know Your 10 Zombie Essentials
  • Find the Cure
  • Zombie Disembodied Head Transport
  • Raising the Dead
  • Zombie Marksmanship
  • Coffin Race — SPECIFICATIONS!
    • Example coffin made in 4 hours by 2 adults with questionable carpentry skills: pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4 (shows a couple different ways how you might choose to make handles; lid is just cardboard)
  • Zombify your Leader
  • Zombie Theatre (campfire skits/songs must have a zombie component)

NOTE: Patrols will rotate every 45 minutes between stations (approx 35 min for activity, with 5-10 minute transition time between stations)

Station #1 Zombie Repulsion and Dismemberment Hosted by Troop 93
Station #2 Treating Zombie Attack Victims Hosted by Troop 448
Station #3 Undead Sled Race Hosted by Troop 403
Station #4 Coffin Race Hosted by staph
Station #5 Campers vs. Zombies Hosted by Troop 61
Station #6 Escape the Zombie Hoard Hosted by Troop 20
Station #7 Zombie Disembodied Head Carry Hosted by Troop 505
Station #8 ….Name ?? ….Hosted by Troop ???

*****MUCH help is needed to sponsor some of the above activities, or one of your own you’ve thought of. If your troop is capable of providing a few bodies (live ones preferred), please contact Jim Hoppner,, or Ty Standley,

Backcountry Info:

Welcome to the ZAW Backcountry, a fun competition to see who’s most prepared to survive and thrive in the wilderness during a zombie outbreak. How can you be prepared? Know what’s essential and what’s not. Be prepared with your first aid skills. Skillfully wield primitive armaments. Oh, and you will also be judged on your ability to build a quality improvised shelter.

The winning team will receive the DAW of the Dead Award on Sunday. Also on Sunday, the best team at each individual activity will receive a merit award. But don’t just be the best, be memorable in a good way, because the staff at each event have one prize to award solely at their discretion. And you may be the lucky individual or team to win one of the coveted and delicious Staff’s Choice awards!

ZAW Backcountry Flyer