Roundtable: Pinewood Derby and Camporee
Roundtable: Pinewood Derby and Camporee
At Roundtable this month we will be discussing Cub Scout Pinewood Derby races and the District Camporee for BSA Scouts!
At Roundtable this month we will be discussing Cub Scout Pinewood Derby races and the District Camporee for BSA Scouts!
Hope you had a wonderful Holiday. I am sure you know that the Tbird Roundtable meeting was moved virtually due to potential weather conditions. Therefore tomorrow's Cooking Merit Badge will also move virtually and I was wondering if you could please help out with updating and adding the zoom link to any of our social media/calendar […]
Come for just the morning or all day, to focus on serious topics or just to have fun learning new skills! The University of Scouting offers more than 100 classes in different “colleges,” with dozens of new classes each year. Sign up for anything that interests you, from Weird Science to Dutch Oven Cooking to […]
AOL are invited to atten our ice-skating meeting on January 26th. We will be working on the skating merit badge.
All Webelos and AOL are invited to learn from Troop 505 how to take their scouting skills to the next level. If weather permits us to be outdoors - you will master your fire building skills with awesome stations and activities. If we are indoors - come appreciate our cooking lessons in how to prepare delicious camp meals. This is going to be a fantastic day of adventure.