Children and teens of all genders from 4th Grade to age 17, come learn more about Scouting. Troops will show off how awesome y'all are! Families will see what it means to be Scout-led. Learn the basics of leadership, outdoor skills, first aid, cooking, life skills, fellowship, orienteering, and personal management. Visit with the amazing […]
The Capitol Area Council invites all Scouts to come learn about Conservation from professionals in the field and begin their join to earning various conservation awards, including the BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award, Scouting’s highest conservation award available. Scouts can sign up for up to 4 Conservation related merit badges. There are also opportunties for conservation […]
Scouting is happening all around the world! And your JOTA-JOTI Passport to International Spirit will open up a world of activities to learn about international Scouting! Along the way, earn patches and awards! Register based on your level of Scouting as follows: Adult Participant. Your PASSPORT TO INTERNATIONAL SPIRIT will entitle you to participate in […]
Start arriving at 6 pm. Friday or join us Sat. morning. *New Location*: Emma Long Municipal Park | 1600 City Park Rd, Austin, TX 78730 The Scouts of Boy's Troop 505 have been eagerly awaiting the return of this adventure that they first tried last year. This epic game of Capture the Flag will challenge […]
Arrow of Light dens with appropriate adult leadership are encouraged to join us for a cooking-focused weekend. Located on Lake Travis in Burnet County, Grelle Recreation Area is an easy car-camping location with lots of shade and trails. Troop 555, based in southwest Austin, includes scouts from downtown all the way to Dripping Springs. With […]
Hello young Padiwans, Tom Wooten you come. Bring your lightsaber and come dressed for Jedi training. Padiwans from across the Council will be meeting to practice their skills, complete work up to 5 adventures, practice their aim with BB, archery and sling shot and learn about space and life on different planets. Where: Camp […]
Scouts will work on the AOL Scouting Adventure and conduct Tent Set-up Races to weed out the best and brightest. Just kidding! Races will be held for fun, and we’ll be surprised if even our older scouts can set up every tent ;-) Troop 555, based in southwest Austin, includes scouts from downtown all the […]
Current AOLS and those Scout-aged are invited to join Troop 20 for a fantastic time in teh aprk. It's a great time to see what Scouting is all about. We'll have snacks, drinks & entertainment. Troop 20 parents will be on hand to answer all your questions. There is no cost, but we would love […]
All Scouts, Scouting families, and Scout leaders are invited to join Diocesan Scout Chaplain, Father Will Rooney, and the Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting for the five-mile "Walking in Faith Scout Hike" around Lake Georgetown. It takes place on Saturday, October 26, at 10am. Parents are asked to accompany their Scouts on the hike. Everyone should […]
Join the Adventure! Camping, hiking, archery, boating , kayaking, cooking, woodcraft, aquatics, day adventures, backpacking, and more... Learn more! Join us for fun at our Halloween Open House! Rocket Launch and Geoaching. ¡Únte a la aventura! Acompado, escalar, tir con arco, paseos en bote, kayak, cocinar, artesania en madera, deportes acuáticos, adventuras de un día, […]
All female Cub Scouts, regardless of rank, are invited to put on their favorite costume and stop by for some fun and games with BSA Troop 19. (THIS IS A COSTUME PARTY) Troop 19 is an all girls troop in the Thunderbird District of the Capitol Area Council, which covers South Austin who enjoy the […]
Boy’s Troop 61 invites Thunderbird District Webelos & AOL scouts for fun scouting activities and demonstrations! What to look forward to: Webelos (4th graders) – Champions for Nature Webelos (partial), Chef’s Knife Adventure (partial), My Safety Adventure (partial), and Stronger Faster Higher Adventure (partial). Arrow of Light (5th graders) – Into the Woods Elective Adventure […]
All Eagle Scous - no matter when or where you earned the rank - are cordially invited to the Capitol Area Council's Gathering of Eagles. Meet Eagles you know, Eagles you don't know! Swap stories and see how "tall" the tales have grown over the years. Join Us For Dinner. Food prepared by some of […]
Troop 555 scouts are planning a fun evening for your AOL and Webelos scouts to earn their Into the Woods elective pin. The plan is to complete all requirements for a full pin during the meeting. Troop 555, based in southwest Austin, includes scouts from downtown all the way to Dripping Springs. With diverse backgrounds […]
It's My Park Day is Austin Parks Foundation's biannual, community-led day of service. Volunteers work to improve parks and green spaces around Austin and build community through projects like litter cleanup, tree mulching, invasive species management and more. Find information and registration here.
Please arrive at 30.404389, -97.598654 for an Orienteering Adventure. At this event Cub Scouts Families will have the opportunity to learn more about orienteering, complete a compass maze, an orienteering hike and try out geocaching. Where: Northeast Metro Park When: November 2, 2024. Check in opens at 8:30 and activities begin at 9am. Event runs until […]