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Troop 19 All Girls! All Ranks Cubs & Troop! Halloween Party!

Oak Hill Methodist Church 7815 US-290, Austin, TX, United States

Join Troop 19 in one of our newest scouting traditions… a Troop Halloween party ALL SCOUT RANKS ARE WELCOME Location: Oak Hill Methodist Church - Children’s Building, 7815 US-290, Austin, TX 78736 Date/Time: October 29, 1:00-2:30pm This is a Costume party!

Troop 61 Webelos Open House 1

Austin Ridge Bible Church SW 7416 State Hwy 71, Austin, TX, United States

Hello from Troop 61!  We are excited to introduce ourselves to you as you begin your search for your next scouting home.  We are a boy-led troop of about 50 scouts who love getting together to learn, go camping, do service projects, play games and have a good time!  We meet at Austin Ridge Bible […]

Cub-O Orienteering Event

The Cub-O is a orienteering event for Cub Scouts of all ages.  Lions, Tigers, Cub, Webelos, AOL race to find all of the control points their map in a race against the clock and other dens.  Compete for a medal or take an easy hike as your find all of the control points on your […]

Troop 505 Epic Capture the Flag

Whittmeyer Ranch 10312 Wagon Road West, Austin, TX, United States

Our scouts have been looking forward to this epic adventure since they dreamed it up a few months ago. And they want to invite your scouts to join them. Join us for an unforgettable capture-the-flag campout where your AOL scout will become part of one of our dynamic patrols. Get ready for multiple heart-pounding, capture-the-flag […]


Lost Pines Scout Reservation 785 FM 1441, Bastrop, TX, United States

MEGA Training offers you the chance to take required training courses like Scoutmaster Leader-Specific Training, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS), or Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO). There are also optional courses, including Chaplain Training, Swimming and Water Rescue, Paddle Craft Safety, and more. Register for BALOO training here.  Register for IOLS training here.  […]

Troop 61 Webelos Open House 2

Austin Ridge Bible Church SW 7416 State Hwy 71, Austin, TX, United States

Hello from Troop 61!  We are excited to introduce ourselves to you as you begin your search for your next scouting home.  We are a boy-led troop of about 50 scouts who love getting together to learn, go camping, do service projects, play games and have a good time!  We meet at Austin Ridge Bible […]

Roundtable & Cookie Swap

Bethany Lutheran Church 3701 W Slaughter Lane, Austin, TX, United States

ROUNDTABLE  THIS THURSDAY.... Sorry for the resend. Somehow, lots of people didn't get it the first time. 1) CENTRAL TEXAS FOOD BANK presentation on how your Cubs or Scouts can become involved in a service project to help feed the poor and/or homeless during or after the holidays. 2) ISSUES WITH WEBELOS WOODS AND/OR CAMPOREE?  YOU'RE […]

Troop 61 Camping, Webelos Invited

Hello from Troop 61!  We are excited to introduce ourselves to you as you begin your search for your next scouting home.  We are a boy-led troop of about 50 scouts who love getting together to learn, go camping, do service projects, play games and have a good time!  We meet at Austin Ridge Bible […]

Troop 505 Webelos 1/2 Day Adventure

Whittmeyer Ranch 10312 Wagon Road West, Austin, TX, United States

Our AOL Adventure Day is an opportunity for AOL scouts to learn some scouting skills and get to know Troop 505 at the same time. Once you know us, we know you will want to join us. If you have already had the opportunity to attend one of our other events, come to this one […]

Sea Scout Academy

Lost Pines Scout Reservation 785 FM 1441, Bastrop, TX, United States

A regional Sea Scout learning experience where youth are taught advancement skills such as seamanship, navigation, crew drills and more. The event is the Saturday - Monday of MLK weekend.  This is a highlight of the year for many Sea Scouts.  This year we are adding an adult track so newer adults in your unit can […]

University of Scouting

Austin Community College – Eastview Campus 3401 Webberville Rd, Austin, TX, United States

Come for just the morning or all day, to focus on serious topics or just to have fun learning new skills! The University of Scouting offers more than 100 classes in different “colleges,” with dozens of new classes each year. Sign up for anything that interests you, from Weird Science to Dutch Oven Cooking to […]
