Popcorn Distribution Day
Popcorn Distribution day is 30 August 2023. Want to help load popcorn that day? We need all the help we can get to make it a smooth and simple process. https://signup.com/go/OnTrmRc
Popcorn Distribution day is 30 August 2023. Want to help load popcorn that day? We need all the help we can get to make it a smooth and simple process. https://signup.com/go/OnTrmRc
Booth Sign-Up has been delayed by one week to 26 August 2023.
Also be sure your Scouts are getting excited about Neighborhood Blitz Day, 2 September 2023. All are challenged to load a wagon and hit the streets to kick-off the in-person Scout popcorn season.
Come one come all! Check out the fun games, helpful sales tips, and maybe even sample some popcorn at the Popcorn Fair! Raise more money with less work in less time! Power your unit’s year-round program with our council’s fall popcorn sale.