Support Scouting! Join the District Committee

The Key Three

District Chair

Kerri Thompson

District Commissioner

Bill Orner

Assistant District Commissioner

Clarence Starkie

District Executive

Sherrik West

What is a District Chair?

The District Chair coordinates the work of the district, identifies and recruits committee chairs, plans and directs committee meetings, and is responsible for all communication between the council and the district.

A Commissioner is a dedicated volunteer with broad experience in Scouting who is interested in helping you provide a quality program for your unit. The commissioner is the person to contact when pack or troop volunteers have questions about uncertaintly of program implementation or unique situations.

The District Executive is a professional scouter acting as a coach and mentor to unit leaders and commissioners to ensure the success of Scouting activities in their area.


Training Chair

Lethe Burns

Camp/Outdoor Chair Activities/Civic Service Chair

Deb Peterson

Advancement Chair

Clarence Starkie

Merit Badge Chair

Diana Castro

Order of the Arrow Chair

Kerri Thompson

What does the Training Committee do?

The district training committee’s job is to get adult leaders trained. One of the keys to the deveoping and conducting of  excellent Scouting programs is trained leadership.

The camping chair ensures every Scout exerpeinces a quality program of outdoor camping and high adventure. The commitee promotes summer camps, assists Scouts in obtaining camperships, and works with packs and troops to plan year-round camping and outdoor activities. From Cub Scout day camp to high-adventure programs, this committee helps make exciting outdoor programs available to all Scouts.

The district activities and civic service committee promotes the organization of service projects; provides fun, exciting, and safe programs for units; and increases public visibility of Scouting America. Program examples include a Scout color guard at a city hall ceremony, developing district-level activites for unit participation, and planning an annual district recognition dinner. 

The district advancement committee promotes advancement throughout the entire scouting program. The committee finds, registers, and trains merit badge counselors. They assist conducting Eagle Scout boards of review. The district advacement chair is esponsible to the program chair for promoting the advancement plan to units, providing training in the advancement plan to district personnel, and providing meaningful reports on advancement.

The merit badge chair recruits knowledgeable and enthusiastic adults to teach Scouts about their subject expertise

The Order of the Arrow Chair facilitates communication between the Order of the Arrow chapter and the District Commitee.


Membership Chair

Scot Haskell

What does the Membership Commitee do?

The Membership Commitee is responsible to recruit and build a volunteer base to ensure steady, balanced membership growth throughout the district. They support units in planning annual membership goals, asist in planning Join Scouting nights, aid in AOL transition to BSA, and other membership programs as needed. The Membership Commitee also helps gather informaiton on prospective charter organizations and helps establish new units.

Fund Development

Friends of Scouting Chair

Open Position

Popcorn Kernel

Open Position

What does the Friends of Scouting Commitee do?

The Friends of Scouting Commitee is responsible for building a network capable of soliciting sufficient donors to successfully reach the district’s Friends of Scouting goal within its capaign timetable.

The annual popcorn sale represents the single largest fundraising effort for units. The District Popcorn Kernel (pun very much intended) works with the Council Popcorn Kernel to build an organization of unit Popcorn Kernels who can promote the annual Trail’s End Sale. 

Commissioner Staff

Roundtable Commissioner

Lethe Burns

Assistant Roundtable Commissioner

Deb Pederson

What is a Roundtable Commissioner?

The Roundtable Commisioner plans and conducts Roundtable meetings to help units address their needs, build relationships among units, provide current programing training, and linking units to district and council resources.

Unit Commisioners

Unit Commisioner

David Palmer

Unit Commisioner

Diana Castro

Unit Commisioner

Wade Classen

Unit Commisioner

Thomas Anzi

Unit Commisioner

Thomas Bizzell

Unit Commisioner

Scot Weishaar

Unit Commisioner

Deb Petersen


Communications Chair

Open Position

Website Administrator

Janell Moyes