The AOL Bobcat Adventure requires, “With your patrol, or with your parent/legal guardian, visit a Scouts BSA troop.” Come learn about Scouting the troops at their recruitment activities.

Troop 505 - August 24 - Aquanaut and Swimming
Troop 505 invites all Webelos and AOL boys and girls to join them Saturday, August 24th, at the Western Oaks Neighborhood Pool to complete your Aquanaut swimming elective! The BSA is very concerned with swim safety and it can be really difficult to run a safe swim program at the pack or den levels. It’s a great service from 505! This also double-counts : earn Aquanaut Elective AND it counts as a Summertime Fun Elective activity 🙂 More details

Troop 505 - September 28 - Open House
All boys are encouraged to attend Troop 505’s Open House on Saturday, September 28 9am to 1pm at United Oak Hill Methodist. Troop 505 is planning a fantastic day. Light fires. Eat fried oreos and create their signature “Woofum Sticks:” roasting dough on a stick and stuffing it with delicious food. Vegetarian and Gluten-Free options will be available. Improve your knife skills. Learn how the troop can pull into a campsite with their trailer of troop equipment and quickly set up camp. Witness how they conduct a flag ceremony. Troop 505 is planning so much fantastic Scout stuff. More details.

Troop 3377 - September 28 - Movie Night / Noche de Película
Join us for fun and activities!
Open House!
Movie Night September 28th @ 7pm
more information
¡Únase a nosotros para divertirse y relizar actividades!
¡Jornada de puertas abiertas!
Noche de película afura 28 de septiembre a las 7 p.m.!
más información

Troop 505 - October 18-20 - Epic Capture the Flag
The Scouts of Boy’s Troop 505 have been eagerly awaiting the return of this adventure. This epic game of Capture the Flag will challenge all their skills, and they are thrilled to extend an invitation to Webelos and AOL Scouts to join them. Your scouts will have the opportunity to camp and cook alongside one of our patrols, fully immersing themselves in the games and the troop experience. They will build their scouting skills, all while having a great time and getting to know Troop 505.Parents will join the adult patrol for the weekend (We eat well). More information.

Troop 448 - October 19 - Catapults & Stars
Join Troop 448 for an afternoon of branding, games, and catapults. Stay the evening for dinner & star gazing. More information.

Troop 555 - October 19-20 - Cooking Campout
Arrow of Light dens with appropriate adult leadership are encouraged to join us for a cooking-focused weekend. Located on Lake Travis in Burnet County, Grelle Recreation Area is an easy car-camping location with lots of shade and trails. More information

Troop 555 - October 21 - Open House
Scouts will work on the AOL Scouting Adventure and conduct Tent Set-up Races to weed out the best and brightest. Just kidding! Races will be held for fun, and we’ll be surprised if even our older scouts can set up every tent 😉 More Information

Troop 20- October 26 - Tejas Park Camping
Current AOLS and those Scout-aged are invited to join Troop 20 for a fantastic time in teh aprk. It’s a great time to see what Scouting is all about. We’ll have snacks, drinks & entertainment. More information

Troop 3377 - October 26 - Halloween Open House / Puertas Abiertas de Halloween
Join us for our fun at our Halloween Open House! Rocket launch and geocaching.
¡En nuestra jornada de puertas abiertas de Halloween! Lanzamiento de cochetes y geocaching.

Troop 61 - October 27 - Open House
Boy’s Troop 61 invites Thunderbird District Webelos & AOL scouts for fun scouting activities and demonstrations. Troop 61 wants to help our Cub Scouts advance and learn what is means to be part of a Troop! Webelos and AOL will learn about knife safety, first aid, personal fitness, and conservation. Snacks will be provided. More information.

Troop 555 - October 28 - Into the Woods
Troop 555 scouts are planning a fun evening for your AOL and Webelos scouts to earn their Into the Woods elective pin. The plan is to complete all requirements for a full pin during the meeting. More Information

Troop 256 - November 9 - First Aid
Boys’ Troop 256 Scouts will be teaching the AOL 1st Aid Adventure requirements 2-7 and providing snacks and supplies. Requirement 1 should be completed as a Den or with their family. All other requirements will be covered. More information

Troop 555- November 16-17 - Reveille Peak Campout
Arrow of Light dens with appropriate adult leadership are encouraged to join us. Located between Burnet and Llano, Reveille Peak Ranch offers hiking, biking, fishing, and more. More Information

Troop 555 - December 7-8 - Enchanted Rock Camping
Arrow of Light patrols with appropriate adult leadership are encouraged to join us for a backpacking campout. Enchanted Rock is a great, beginner-friendly area for novice backpackers. However, beware our campsite is approximately 1.5 miles from the parking lot. More Information.

Troop 61 - December 7-8 - Pace Bend Camping
Boy’s Troop 61 invites Thunderbird District AOL Cubsouts to camp with us! This will help the Cubscouts meet their Arrow of Light (5th graders) Outdoor Adventurer. More Information.

Troop 61 - December 15 - Open House
Come see what it’s like to be a scout after cub scouts! Boys will get to learn scout skills, meet and interact with the older scouts, see how a troop functions, play games and definitely have fun. We’ll even be doing a service project that everyone can participate in. More information.

Troop 505 - January 25 - Half Day Adventure
Our AOL Adventure Day is an opportunity for AOL scouts to learn some scouting skills and get to know Troop 505 at the same time. Once you know us, we know you will want to join us.
If you have already had the opportunity to attend one of our other events, come to this one as well – we are always doing something new. More information.