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Webelos GO! 2016 (aka Webelos Woods)

Webelos GO! 2016 (aka Webelos Woods)





Webelos GO!

Gotta Camp ’em All!

October 7-9, 2016

Smilin’ V Scout Ranch
(near Liberty Hill, TX)

Webelos, let’s GO to the Great Outdoors and camp with all the Troops in the Thunderbird District!  See how all the Troops are Phenomenal Masters at camping fun!

Thunderbird District Webelos GO! is an overnight camping weekend where Boy Scout troops host Webelos and their parents for a camping extravaganza.

Webelos will have an opportunity to:

  • See Boy Scout troops doing scoutcraft and visit their camps
  • Play games emphasizing Scout skills and teamwork
  • Spend a weekend camping with their host troop
  • Cook, camp, and play as members of a scout-led patrol
  • Have fun and get a preview of the Boy Scout experience

$15 per person

Please register here on DoubleKnot by Sep. 30, 2016

Webelos and Webelos Parents must stay with a host Troop, but may either ask the host Troop to register them or they may register through their Unit.

Webelos Parents, we also have a couple extras for you this time around.  In addition to learning the right questions to ask a potential troop, we will also be offering Troop Committee Challenge training, to give you a head start with understanding how the adult side of a Troop works.

Host troops will need to provide their Webelos with an 6-inch lanyard which may be hung from a belt loop or pocket flaps.  Troops should also be prepared to give each visiting Webelos a small Totem to add to the lanyard.  The Totem must be small enough to fit 8 Totems on a 6-inch lanyard.

Host troops will also need to decide soon who will represent you as SPL, Troop Guide, Emcee, and also — new this year — Bugler!

For additional information, please see ww-admin-details-2016.  Downloadable schedule is in ww-2016-schedule.

Troops make sure your Bugler is ready to go for Webelos woods. Below is the list of bugle calls, and a link to midi files to hear them played

  • First Call, is used for getting attention. It is commonly heard at horse races.
  • Reveille,  morning wake up call.
  • Assembly,  gather at a designated place.  Some refer to this as “Fall In.”
  • Mess, signals mealtime.
  • Drill,  report for some agreed upon camp activity
  • Fatigue, summons those who are to report for some type of work activity.
  • Officers, a meeting of the troop leaders.
  • Recall, signals the end to something that is under way.
    services are about to begin.
  • Swimming, start of the swimming period.
  • Fire, is an alarm that signals danger.
  • Retreat, signals the end of the official day. It is usually played just before “To the Colors” or the national anthem, which are played during the lowering of the flag.
  • To the Colors, played while the flag is raised and lowered to render honors to the nation.
  • Call to Quarters, signals everyone to get ready for bed.
  • Taps, signals the end of the day, when everyone is to go to sleep. Lights out.